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The biggest problems that arise in real estate transactions are due to non-compliance with the necessary obligations in this direction. Many buyers and sellers face legal and financial difficulties; Something that can make the process of buying a land or property much slower and more difficult.
Frequently Asked Questions About Real Estate
These are the topics he talks about. Problems with cash payment in the transaction, credit of the document, partner in the land or personal property, endowed property or inherited property, etc., will be discussed in this category. Unfortunately, in many real estate transactions, land, houses, apartments and villas, fraud occurs, which leads to losses for both parties to the transaction; Of course, this is relative.
Because of the importance of legal issues when dealing with real estate (Frequently Asked Questions), here are some of the most important things to keep in mind when concluding a contract, visiting a property, or checking the condition of their land and building.
Before signing a property purchase agreement, check the seller’s full identity and make sure all the documents are correct.
Avoid transactions that involve multiple partners or are part of proxy property and may even be endowed property. Do not sign a purchase agreement until you are sure that the legal process for owning the property is complete
Make sure the person selling the property is not a bankrupt or a fraudulent debtor. It is best to check the seller’s personal information thoroughly.
To get rid of legal problems, check the status of the property document. Land use is very important. Buying and selling communal property or buying or selling inherited property or power of attorney transactions should all be done under the supervision of a legal advisor and under the supervision of an experienced real estate consultant.
If several people share in a property, it will be illegal to trade in the absence of any of the companies.
The purchase and sale of confiscated land or endowed land is unauthorized and can be prosecuted by legal authorities.
To buy agricultural land, buy land that is in agricultural areas. If the land does not have an official document, set it for that document.
The purchase and sale of any property or land with a specific title must be included in the charter. Be sure to include a few extras in the contract so that the transaction will be terminated if there is otherwise.
· The most important solution to help you avoid legal problems with transactions is to determine the terms of termination of the contract within the agreement. It will be of great benefit to you if you seek the help of a real estate consultant to identify frequently asked questions about real estate..
Another term used in real estate questions is called third party usufruct. This right means that in a contract, an individual transfers ownership of his property to a third party. In this case, the property is entrusted to him.
One of the most common property questions is who gets the right to take possession of property in one or more specific cases, and this is exactly the issue that arises in buying and selling property or renting real estate or renting land; Something that creates a lot of problems for property owners and buyers.
The right to own property means that the owner of the property or land can enjoy any use of his property without disturbing his neighbors. Only the rule of law can deprive the owner of the right to seize property.
Another problem that can arise in the future for real estate transactions is the division of inherited property. The bulk of the property FAQ for buyers and sellers is inherited property. Until all the legal steps of the heir monopoly have been completed, any transaction of buying or selling the property of a villa, apartment or land is illegal and unauthorized..
Once the inheritance has been monopolized, all heirs must submit a complete list of property and assets to the local council, and after going through the legal process and making sure there is no other heir, in order to divide the inherited property, buy or sell, and so on. Take action.
This is the most important issue in buying and selling inherited property. If a number of heirs share in a property, without all of them being present or even one of them refusing to sell the property, the transaction is not legal, if it is determined, the person can file a lawsuit
To sell the property on the Homeland site, proceed as follows:
In the free property registration section on the Homeland website, register your property and manage it yourself, and announce the offer price for your property and select one of the first experts of the house to contact you immediately and examine your property in an expert manner. To sell your property
Shared property means you bought property that you share with someone else; For example, if the document of this property is 6 dong, the partner in the share of 3 and 3 dang, 1 and 5 dang, etc., is considered to be common. You are also a part of this property. In this way, the partner of the common property has no specific position in the property and is considered as the purchase of the whole property for him. These conditions will exist for two partners. Note that if a seller has sold a communal property to you without the permission of the property partners, you do not have the right to sign the contract and your transaction is void. The presence of all partners in the common property at the time of the transaction is mandatory.
By referring to the registry offices or a property surveyor, you can apply for the document to be compatible with the desired land or property. This is done by an expert. These experts are members of the judiciary and use GPS equipment to map and inform the individual whether this document and the properties belong to this land or property or not..